Barefeet Games is a small group of keen board gamers that have a collective love for the Bible and recognize the lack of board games that cover this fascinating period of history. Our desire is to se not only more games that encompass Biblical themes, but that they are good, solid, enjoyable games for other board game enthusiast, regardless of their religious leaning.

Our small group has many years of experience in card and board games from the most simple light, introductory games to heavy Euro-style board games. Some have play-tested games from high profile board game designers and one of our team has over 30 years experience in graphic design as well as being awarded a “silver board game collector” badge according to Board Game Geek.

With our collective experience in board gaming, we feel we have designed two outstanding games that will be enjoyed by experienced gamers and casual gamers and families alike. It is our goal to see board gaming become more recognized and enjoyed by all, especially the collective fellowship and atmosphere created while gathered around a table spending time together, rather than isolated in separate locations playing on digital devices.
The Bible provides some of the most interesting themes and historical accounts that surpass any of the other plethora of mythological fables and at the heart of each is an underlying moral message, so what better source material on which to base an amazing board game?

We look forward to you support and enjoyment playing these two games that we are producing and that others will be inspired to read the factual history on which these board games are based.

The Barefeet Games Team.

Order Tribes Image Sq
Order Tabernacle Image Sq